The Weakest Link International Wiki
The Weakest Link International Wiki

Najslabija karika (English translation: The weakest link) was the Croatian version of the Weakest Link. It first aired on April 26th, 2004 until May 31st, 2010 on HRT 1. The quiz show was hosted by Nina Violić in 2004 and Daniela Trbović from 2004 to 2010. The top prize was kn 90,000. In May 2010, the show reached its 1,008th episode, and is one of two versions to surpass 1,000 shows.

When Najslabija karika premiered in April 2004 well-known actress, Nina Violić was originally selected to present. Nina was eventually casted-off after the first series in June 2004, after Nina was reportedly unable to keep up with her obligations from schedules to acting, and was also not satisfied with her salary from presenting. The role was later casted to Daniela Trbović, who presented the show for six more series until its finale on May 31st, 2010.

In March 2010, Daniela's role was temporarily given to Croatian presenter and friend Mirko Fodor after she went under surgery. Daniela spent several weeks in recovery while Mirko took over as presenter from March 17th until a few weeks later.

During the show's six-year run, there were a number of specials that aired. Some special episodes were made during the 2008 UEFA European Football Championship, where Daniela was voted off unanimously in two short clips promoting the event. In the two weeks leading up to the show's cancellation in May of 2010, there were nine specials that aired.

The first special (1,000th episode) had contestants who lost in the final round with some of the highest prize amounts on the show; the second and third specials (1,001st and 1,002nd) had the youngest contestants; the fourth and eighth specials (1,003rd and 1,007th) had the most persistent contestants who had appeared on the show several times; the fifth special (1,004th) had the unluckiest contestants who lost during the first round; the sixth special (1,005th) had former contestants who appeared on the show during the first series in Spring 2004 presented by Nina Violić; the seventh special (1,006th) had the oldest contestants, and the final special (1,008th) had the biggest losers who lost the final round the most times.


Najslabija karika (prijevod na engleski: Najslabija karika) bila je hrvatska verzija Najslabije karike. Prvo emitiranje od 26. travnja 2004. do 31. svibnja 2010. na HRT 1. Kviz su 2004. vodile Nina Violić, a od 2004. do 2010. Daniela Trbović. Glavna nagrada iznosila je 90.000 kn. U svibnju 2010. serija je dosegla svoju 1008. epizodu i jedna je od dvije verzije koje su premašile 1000 emisija.


  • During development, Nina Violić and Daniela Trbović were among several candidates invited to audition to become the presenter.
  • Before the series premiered, over 20,000 people within a 25-day span applied to appear on the show.

Official website[]
